Conferences & Locations

Bonn Region

The Bonn Climate Change Conference - May 2017 will take place from 8-18 May 2017

Hotel search

Please remember to print your hotel confirmation at home before arriving in Bonn. Please also do not forget to print out your public transportation ticket that you will receive upon completion of the hotel reservation.

In case you need further assistance with hotel bookings, e.g. if no rooms are available for your selected travel dates, please fill out the below attached document and send it to or call +49 (0)2 28/ 910 41 33. We will be delighted to help you along.


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World Conference Center Bonn

Platz der Vereinten Nationen 2

53113 Bonn

(0228) 92670


Nächstgelegene Haltestelle: Heussallee/ Museumsmeile & UN Campus

Die Fahrplanauskunft finden Sie hier.


Next station: Heussallee/ Museumsmeile & UN Campus

Please check your timetable here.


Station de tram la plus proche: Heussallee/ Museumsmeile & UN Campus

Merci de vérifier l´horaire pour votre itinéraire ici.