Phytopharm 2015
XIXth International Congress Phytopharm 2015
Please remember to print your hotel confirmation at home before arriving in Bonn. Please also do not forget to print out your public transportation ticket that you will receive upon completion of the hotel reservation.
In case you need further assistance with hotel bookings, e.g. if no rooms are available for your selected travel dates, please or +49 (0)2 28/ 910 41 33. We will be delighted to help you along.
You wish to book a room at low prices like a hostel?
If you want to book a bed in a youth hostel please contact directly the Max Hostel Bonn or the BaseCamp Bonn
Dear Participant,
we are looking forward welcoming you soon in Bonn and the region!
Please note that the city of Bonn established an accommodation tax on all leisure overnight stays. Overnight stays by business travelers, freelancers or students may be exempted from the tax. This should be demonstrated by the presentation of the appropriate documents. The following documents are accepted:
- the hotel guest’s official accreditation for a professional conference, vocational training course or similar activity taking place in the Bonn area during the period of the stay
- the reservation or billing of the room via the employer
To speed up the check in process we would advise you to take a copy of your registration confirmation with you for the hotel.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for any other question:
Annette Isengard/ Nicole Warnecke
Tel.: +49 228 910 41-71
Fax: +49 228 910 41-77
E-Mail: bonnhotels(at)