Conferences & Locations

Bonn Region

August-Macke-house, Bonn

The painter August Macke lived in the August Macke House, in Bornheimer Str. 96, with his family from 1911 until 1914. Today the house is a museum and exhibition venue and in addition to the private, personal aura of the artist, also gives an insight into the cultural and art history references in which the life, works and effect of August Macke were based. The only studio which the artist ever had was situated on the attic floor and he created an overwhelming number of works here in the space of only three years. The view from the window of the house to the surroundings, the Marien and Kreuzberg Churches, the garden in full bloom and Viktoriabrücke, but also the events inside the house are the subject of numerous pictures and sketches by the artist, which can still be easily retraced by visitors today.