Conferences & Locations

Bonn Region

Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Museum, Bonn

The house of the writer and professor of history at University of Bonn, Ernst Moritz Arndt (1769-1860), is the only professor's house in Bonn of this period that has been preserved. It was built at the beginning of the 19th century by the architect Hermann Friedrich Waesemann, who also designed the red town hall in Berlin. At that time it was close to the University in the middle of vineyards and outside the actual city walls.
The Ernst-Moritz-Arndt building has been owned by the City of Bonn since 1867 and is now a dependence of the Stadtmuseums Bonn. In the small villa on the Rhine the Bonn Stadtmuseum presents special exhibitions, events, concerts, musical-literary soirées and readings.